Welcome to birth trauma stories Podcast

Hospital Day 5 9.22.19

9:45am update:

Praising the Lord, Cathy is out of surgery and being transferred back to her room in the ICU where Eli is waiting for her. 

Praise God that surgery went well and she is showing signs of improvement and continued healing. Everything on the OB side of things went perfectly and they were able to close the c-section incision. The cardiologist was not able to close the incision due to some inflammation and minimal bleeding. They want to wait for those to subside. Thank you for your prayers and a successful surgery. Praise God for being actively engaged in Cathy’s healing! Please pray for the bleeding to cease and the inflammation to go down in her heart and lungs so that they can close the incision and continue the healing process. Pray for rapid healing so that she can be removed from ECMO very soon. Thank you for all of your prayers this morning, we can feel God moving. 

Our dear friend Candice

5pm update:

Cathy is showing small improvements. She is able to slightly move her head, hands, and feet, praise the Lord. 

Eli was able to sit with her and comfort her after surgery. Due to some of the side effects of being on ECMO, she was put on dialysis this afternoon. We are waiting to see when the doctors want to have her next surgery. Baby Garrett is eating full feedings and an excellent sleeper. She will be discharged tomorrow afternoon from the hospital.

Please pray for significant healing to occur so that Cathy won’t need dialysis or ECMO and will not have a need for more surgeries. We have an amazing team of doctors taking care of her. Pray for their continued wisdom and divine skill through her care and surgeries. Please continue to pray for the family’s strength and for them to feel God’s arms of comfort and peace wrap around them. 

Cynthia loves newborn snuggles!