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Pregnancy Part 2

During that first visit, I also asked the high risk doctor his opinion on the VBAC and he disagreed on the other OB’s opinion. 

We then decided to take some time to pray about whether to have a VBAC or repeat c-section. 

The Sunday before we left for Europe, both my family and several members from our church were about to embark on two different big trips so I would not see my friend Cynthia for over a month. I went up to her, with tears in my eyes, asking if she could pray for me in the decision. She gave me the advice of literally opening my palm while praying to wholeheartedly surrender to God’s will. I did just that driving home from church. 

“Lord, I would really love to have a natural delivery, but your will be done. Not mine.” 

This was the first time in my short walk with the Lord I learned the concept of wholehearted surrender. I would need this several more times throughout my pregnancy and delivery. 

Second Trimester!